Documentation 3hcloud Cloud platform Virtual server Create a virtual server Change virtual server configuration Enable, disable or restart the virtual server Delete virtual server View resource usage statistics Volumes Creating an additional volume Quality of Service (QoS) for 3HCloud Volumes Connecting an additional volume to the Linux operating system Connecting an additional volume to the Windows 2019 operating system Increasing volume size Reducing volume size Delete volume SSH-keys Creation an SSH-key in Linux OS Creation an SSH-key in Windows OS Connecting to a server using an SSH-key in OS Windows Removing an SSH-key Firewalls Creation a security group Changing a security group Routers Creation a Router Router setup Networks Network creation Connection the network to the server Port Management Setting up an internal network on a Linux virtual server Floating IP addresses Creation a floating IP address Volume backups Quick volume backup Automatic volume backup Disk restoring from a backup Automatic deletion of volume backups Volume snapshots Create volume snapshot Restore data from a snapshot Delete snapshot My images Creation of a new image Creation of a server using an image from “My images” Deleting an image Image download Resource quota Account quotas Change account limit Object Storage Containers Creation a container Tariffs Container setup Removing a container Installing AWS-CLI and setting the configuration file Access Create an ES2 Access Key Data center infrastructure Dedicated servers Colocation Specs and Commercial Info Viewing Your Server’s Info Connecting to IPMI SAN Volumes Setting up LACP on Debian or Ubuntu Linux BareMetal SSD Volume creation Network Internet Access The “Internet” Section Dedicated Average Speed Threshold Traffic Consumption Statistics Access Speed Limitation TCP and UDP port restrictions Personal account Billing Billing Scheme Payer Info Account Balance and Manual Topup Invoices Access User roles Access to API Creating API access Deleting an API user Performing operations in API Support Support