Dedicated servers

The service “Dedicated servers” is the provisioning of a server computing resources of certain configuration for the client’s use with the ability to manage them and install any software.

Dedicated servers are hosted in the different geographic regions in the 3HCloud data center locations.

To get the service create a ticket describing your project and technical requirements. 3HCloud commercial department specialist will prepare an offer and contact you.

The service includes:

  • use of the equipment computing resources of a certain configuration;

  • connection to the Internet;

  • public IPv4 and IPv6 address;

  • connecting servers to a private network (if necessary);

  • the ability to remotely manage the server via IPMI;

  • replacement of failed components and servers entirely;

  • technical support 24/7.

This section displays a list of dedicated servers and brief information about the servers.

By clicking on the “IPMI” button you can get the quick access to the IPMI of the desired server.

Clicking on the “More” button will open:

  • Server name. Here you can always change the name to a new one;

  • Server information;

  • Ability to view active access sessions to IPMI;

  • Information about the connected SAN;

  • Information about connected virtual volumes.

The IPMI access address is permanent. For security purposes the access is blocked by firewall rules. For automatic creation of an session lasting for 3 hours press the “IPMI” button. For providing temporary or permanent access to another IP address use the “Create session” button and specify the desired IP address.

Here you can also disconnect a previously connected virtual volume using the “Disconnect” button or connect a new virtual volume using the “Connect Volume” button (the volume has to be already created in the “Infrastructure” / “Volumes” section).