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What is object storage?


The concept of objective storage is a way of storing and grouping information, which is formed on the representation in the form of objects. Objective storage divides all objects into 3 main components and gives each its identifier. In this article, we will learn the basic information about S3 objective storage and understand its strengths and weaknesses.

Is s3 an object storage?

S3 data storage (Simple Storage Service) falls into the category of object storage because it separates all information into different objects. Each object in S3 consists of a unique key, metadata, and content. This method of information distribution distinguishes S3 from more conventional file systems that organize all data into directories and subdirectories.

Because of this approach to storing information, objective storage has many strengths. This list includes:

  • Flexibility: thanks to object storage capabilities, any data can be organized in a matter of minutes into understandable directories, or even nested one inside the other. At the same time, this type of storage allows you to apply a flat structure, in which all objects exist and do not depend on the organization in categories.
  • Scalability: object storage provides horizontal scalability. In other words, horizontal scalability allows you to add multiple servers for storing information.
  • Availability: failures and failures in storage do not affect the integrity of data, because each object can be replicated to any server and allocated to different physical locations. Thus, we can say that object storage has a high level of information availability.

If s3 is global then why do we need to select a region while launching it?

Although S3 is considered a global storage project, it is required to specify a region when starting it. This requirement is based on several factors. For example, selecting a region will move the data as close as possible to the end user, which will significantly reduce access delays and increase productivity.

Don't forget that each S3 region has a unique tariff price for storing information. In this way, AWS optimizes the cost of data transfer and storage. In general, selecting a region allows better optimization of information storage by distributing the load, which reduces the risk of disruptions to a minimum.

How do I write an S3 Object to a file?

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Writing an object from S3 to a file is done with different programs and programming languages. Everyone can choose the best option for themselves, as they differ in the method of recording and other subtleties. For example, the most common programming languages for writing an object from S3 to a file, are:

  • C#
  • Ruby
  • PHP
  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • Java

The mentioned programming languages are only a small part of all possible languages for writing objects. However, it is these 7 languages that are equipped with the corresponding libraries and SDKs that will allow you to easily interact with S3 to write objects to files.

Is it possible to find all S3 buckets given a prefix?

To find all buckets in S3 with a prefix, you can use the AWS CLI or SKD. In this case, the prefix is the common part of the object keys used to filter all buckets. Here is a command to search for all S3 buckets with the desired prefix, you must enter it in the AWS CLI:

aws s3api list-buckets --query "Buckets[?starts_with(Name, "prefix")].Name"

If you want to use the SDK for programming languages to search for buckets, you should first study the SDK's documentation and apply the methods and filters specified there. In this way, you can find a list of buckets from S3 under the desired prefix.

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